What is the purpose of the NXDN™ Forum?
The NXDN™ Forum was founded for the following purposes, and its mission is continually expanding.
- Provide a forum for interested parties that wish to support the latest in digital two-way radio technology, NXDN™ and 6.25 kHz FDMA
- Participate in making and maintenance of the related NXDN™ standards
- Develop a trademark for NXDN™
- Develop and carry out interoperability testing procedures
- Ensure a minimum level of interoperability between different manufacturer's NXDN™ products
- Actively promote NXDN™ worldwide in conjunction with its members and liaise with regulatory bodies and like-minded entities in this endeavor.
Until now, a number of the goals initially set have already been completed, the NXDN Forum's current focus is interoperability , conformance testing, additions to the standards suite and opening the NXDN standard to the industry public.